Home SocialMinds Podcast Innocent Drinks: How the Default Example for Social Tone of Voice Retains Its Personality
  • Marcus Dean
  • 45 min

Innocent Drinks: How the Default Example for Social Tone of Voice Retains Its Personality

How many brands have said ‘we want to sound like Innocent?’ For Innocent Drinks, while others’ replication tactics are flattering, they have a tone of voice and personality to preserve. In this episode we’re joined by its social media manager, Marcus Dean, to hear about the three content pillars, rigorous writer training, and ethos’ that keep Innocent one step ahead of its brand fanbase. We find out how to make your visual assets look like how your tone of voice sounds, how Twitter jokes translates to in-store purchases for Innocent, and whether or not that smoothie was actually blue.

Marcus Dean - Innocent August 2022 (45 min)