How Mob nails lo-fi, high quality content in a saturated feed  

Any Gen Z foodie will have no doubt seen a Mob video pop up on their feed in the past week. And if you’re not either of those things, you’ve probably heard of Mob because its seamless brand partnerships, creator-led content and dynamic recipe videos are a shining example to brands in any industry.  

The Linkup: Mariya Spektor

This is The Linkup, SocialChain’s new series bringing you the people behind our award-winning work. For the debut interview, our content marketer Melissa chatted to SocialChain US’s director of content for social media Mariya Spektor.

How community recommendations are turning Redditors into brand loyalists

“Community” is a borderline marketing buzzword these days, but there’s no better description for a platform like Reddit. It’s literally built on communities – whether that’s your interests, your need to discuss the latest Love Island episode or your questions about whether the chicken you’ve had in the fridge for a week is safe to […]

Make an impact beyond influence with our latest whitepaper

The ‘Rachel’ haircut. Nike Air Jordans. MTV. Brands used to define culture. Thanks to creators, it doesn’t work that way any more. And the marketing industry is failing to keep up. With today’s creator economy supporting over 207 million creators globally, brands are spoilt for choice in how they engage with their consumers. And yet, […]

10 ways brands can overcome the disconnect

In an increasingly connected world, why are brands and their people more disconnected than ever? If you made it to our SocialMinds Live event Overcoming the Disconnect last month, this is exactly what we set out to answer.  We assembled six incredible brands, creators and platforms  – Ryanair, Monzo, Pinterest, Specsavers, Sidemen and WeAre8 – […]

Why your social content should make people curious 

We caught up with Shannon Forrey, the brand’s director of social and digital media, on the latest episode of the Social Minds podcast. Shannon shared actionable insights on why more brands and marketers should want their followers to get curious on social.

A formula for success: how brands can use social to nurture superfandom

Formula One, AKA “the pinnacle of motorsport”, has become the fastest growing major sports league on the planet.

On episode 224 of the Social Minds podcast, we chatted with its senior social media manager Sam Barker to find out the role social plays in making an aficionado out of an amateur.

New news: How The Washington Post is reimagining journalism on TikTok 

Legacy outlet The Washington Post has made a name for itself carving out a new home for news publishers: TikTok.

To tell us how publishers can adapt to changing times, The Washington Post’s associate TikTok producer Carmella Boykin sat down with the hosts of the SocialMinds podcast.