Home SocialMinds Podcast Trustpilot: Don’t Fear the Feedback: Why Reviews Are Your Most Neglected Essential
  • Leah Silverlock
  • 45 min

Trustpilot: Don’t Fear the Feedback: Why Reviews Are Your Most Neglected Essential

Product reviews are 12x more trusted than product descriptions and sales copy. But lots of brands fear, undervalue or don’t actively invest in reviews. Trustpilot is on a mission to change that, all while improving their own brand trust on social. In this episode, we’re joined by its global head of social media and community, Leah Silverlock, to find out why it’s so important that businesses priorities reviews. We cover managing expectations, listening to different customer perspectives, and making the most of a bad reputation.

Leah Silverlock - Trustpilot March 2022 (45 min)